For 80 years now, we have been pioneers and specialists in injection moulding and injection stamping. The entire range of specialist thermosetting, thermoplastic and silicone processing.
We are your point of contact when it comes to narrow tolerances, demanding geometries and complex surface demands. Special solutions are our trade.
At our production facility in Coburg, we process more than 500 filled and non-filled plastics, turning them into high-precision hybrid components, modules and systems. We are experts for both thermosetting and thermoplastics as well as for any necessary manufacturing and processing technologies, which enable us to implement even the most complex demands when it comes to shape geometry, tightness and smoothness in all of our products and series. Thanks to the high automation level of our injection moulding and injection stamping production as well as our globally-standardised quality, we can ensure the highest process stability and reproducibility possible. Our experience makes us one of the most competent partners even for 2K and inmould decoration production, clean room production (class 8) as well as in substituting metals using plastics if it is worthwhile.
- Manufacturing of high-precision, hybrid plastic parts
- Injection-overmoulding of metal components
- 500 processed raw materials
- Efficient Lean Production and flexible manufacturing capacities
- Individual automation solutions
- Assembly of modules and mechanical processing
- Clean room manufacturing (class 8)
- 100% delivery reliability
At the cutting edge of technology and equipped for any size of production run.
Thermoplast machines
Thermoset machines
Sample machines
The renaissance of a material. Thermoset components for resiliance, temperature resistance and cost-effectivness.
While others have been shifting their thermosetting capacities abroad over the last few decades, we have been consistently expanding our thermoset technology. Today we are using the advantage of experience when it comes to replacing metals with plastics where it makes sense. We manufacture surfaces down to µ accuracy and can make the processes even more stable and efficient for you. Thanks to their high temperature resistance and dimensional stability, mechanical resilience and electric insulation properties, thermosets are finding increasing use as an alternative to aluminium or die-cast zinc components, e.g. for use with engines, as valve plates or in X-ray absorbers.
- Injection moulding
- Injection stamping, compression injection moulding via core pull
- Multiple-cavity production
- Media-impermeable injection moulding
- Abrasive blasting, tempering, grinding
- Shot weight up to 800 g
- Clamping forces from 600 to 2000 kN
Thermoplastic injection moulding for low-tolerance lightweight products, large-scale production and economic processes. Automation as a factor for success.
Thanks to the intelligent linking of injection moulding, insertion and multi-component technologies, we are fully capable of implementing your design, features and haptics requirements even in large batches, and if necessary, we can also integrate new features into the process. We process not only over 400 types of thermoplastics and elastomers, highly filled materials (GF, CF) and other materials, but also functional fillers such as PTFE, flame retardants or LGFs. Lightly built products that can also be precisely and efficiently manufactured, even in multiple-cavity areas and with long service lives, thanks to a high degree of automation.
Due to particularly low weight, the comparably short production chain and good possibilities of integrating additives, thermoplastics are a perfect alternative for metals. Consequently, the range of applications for our products has expanded, initially from the mobile phone subshell which was the lightest in the world, to thin-wall components, hybrid gear wheels, and a lightweight system for drone engineering.
- Injection moulding process for thermoplastics and high-performance plastics
- Co-injection
- Insertion technology
- In-mould decoration (IMD)
- Module assembly
- Tempering, conditioning
- Clamping forces from 150 to 6500 kN
- Shot weight between 0.1 g and 2500 g
- Clean room manufacturing (class 8)
Highest hygiene and cleanliness requirements – GAUDLITZ clean room manufacturing (class 8).
In our clean room, we process almost all conventional thermoplasts using clean room suitable injection moulding machines under standardised and controlled conditions. We are also able of integrating automated systems, which have been specially developed for the customer, into the process and complete the assembly assembly of complex modules and all the packaging in a particle-reduced environment.
- Clean room manufacturing (class 8)
- Automated systems suitable for clean rooms
- Assembly and processing under clean room conditions
Systematic quality. Globally standardised and reproducible.
Quality assurance means for us maintaining the automation level of our manufacturing and assembly processes on the basis of a certified integrated management and the inspection, optimisation and documentation of quality using the aid of state-of-the-art metrology.
- ISO/TS 16949
- ISO 14001
- ISO 9001
- ISO 13485
- ISO 50001
- AEO certificate
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