Exklusive partnership between GAUDLITZ and Dontyne Systems

After many years of construcively working with our development partner, Dontyne Systems Ltd., of Great Britain, the partnership has successfully been brought to its conclusion. The introduction of the Dontyne-Optimal-module allows GAUDLITZ to precisely analyse complex interlocking geometries and to prepare measures for optimisation purposes. According to Herr Franz, head of Research and Product Development, the introduction of the Dontyne Optimal tool allows GAUDLITZ to drastically reduce tool lead times and to increase accuracy. Sophisticated gearbox elements used in automotive contruction had a prominent place in the development. When doing this, standard and specific gear elements were taken into consideration. In the past, many quality objectives the customer had were not attainable using conventional analysis and correction methods.

In conjunction with ZEISS digital equipment and a computer tomography, actuator elements used in precision engineering with very small modules cn be analysed precisely and prepared for corrective measures. The same is possible for gear tooth systems in mechanical engineering. Thanks to the direct data acquisition using KISSsoft a complete unit is available for use. In the case of many applications, customer data may be directly incorporated into the system and further processed. The optimal module will be combined with Dontyne´s Inspection Centre capability to carry out a full QA using the 3D surface data to simulate test procedures including double and single flank festing.