Campaign: Donation instead of gifts 2022

This year we also decided to give something back and donate to some organizations in Coburg!

After the long Corona break, we were also able to meet and talk to the individual organizations in person again!

This year we supported the following organizations:
- die Tafel Coburg e.V.
- die Stiftung für krebskranke Kinder Coburg
- den Kinderschutzbund Kreisverband Coburg
- die Freiwillige Feuerwehr Coburg e.V.
- den Hospizverein Coburg
- die AWO, Kreisverband Coburg
- den ASB Coburg Land e.V.
- die Stadt Coburg und ihrem Wünschebaum

We hope to help others during this difficult time with our donation!