In the middle of the night, fire rages, the heat is incredible and adrenaline pumps: For Dominik Krautwurst it was his first dangerous deployment. Shortly before Christmas, a residential building caught fire and he went into the flames as a volunteer fireman. The lady who lived there was saved.
Having successfully completed his apprenticeship as a toolmaker in February 2018, he was taken on at GAUDLITZ as a permanent employee.
The young man commits himself in a variety of ways. He joined the Weidach fire department many years ago, as a teenager. Since then he has become the youth development officer responsible for trainees.
"It is a pity that the fire department gets hardly any new recruits. It is great fun to join together for a good cause."
In addition, Dominik Krautwurst is active in the Coburg district fishing club, where he is also a youth leader.
For his outstanding commitment, our GAUDLITZ colleague was awarded the Dr. Kapp Exemplary Role Model prize, by Patrick Püttner, Managing Director of the Bayerische Unternehmensverband Metall und Elektro Oberfranken (bayme vbm). Keep up the good work!